Send nudge events to your own analytics system

Please follow the below steps if you wish to get nudge events shared back to your own analytics system. This listener will provide following events:

  1. hansel_nudge_show_event - This event will be fired when a nudge is rendered on the device. This is available from Android Product Experience SDK v8.6.3 onwards only.
  2. hansel_nudge_event - This event will be fired when the nudge is dismissed. This is available from Android Product Experience SDK v8.5.0 onwards.
  3. hansel_branch_tracker - This event will be fired whenever the user moves in/out of any branch or segment. This is available from Android Product Experience SDK v9.0.7 onwards. Below are the cases in which this callback is invoked :
    • SDK initialisation
    • User identity change
    • Segment(Positive/Negative) change

Step 1 : Create a class that implements the HanselInternalEventsListener with the following method:

import io.hansel.ujmtracker.HanselInternalEventsListener;

HanselInternalEventsListener hanselInternalEventsListener = new HanselInternalEventsListener() {
   public void onEvent(String eventName, HashMap dataFromHansel) {
        if ("hansel_nudge_show_event".equals(eventName)) {
	        // Invokes when nudge is shown to the user where "Send the event to Analytics provider" is enabled for the nudge
            // send `dataFromHansel` to your analytics provider 
            // e.g. CleverTap.push(clevertapAPI, "hansel_nudge_show_event", dataFromHansel);
	    else if ("hansel_nudge_event".equals(eventName)) {
	        // Invokes when nudge is dismissed from the device where "Send the event to Analytics provider" is enabled for the nudge
            // send `dataFromHansel` to your analytics provider 
            // e.g. CleverTap.push(clevertapAPI, "hansel_nudge_event", dataFromHansel);
	    else if ("hansel_branch_tracker".equals(eventName)) {
	        // Invokes when user branch is changed or initial state of the branches gets synced
            // send `dataFromHansel` to your analytics provider 
            // e.g. CleverTap.push(clevertapAPI, "hansel_branch_tracker", dataFromHansel);
import io.hansel.ujmtracker.HanselInternalEventsListener

var hanselInternalEventsListener: HanselInternalEventsListener =
            HanselInternalEventsListener { eventName, dataFromHansel ->
                when (eventName) {
                    "hansel_nudge_show_event" -> {
                        // Invokes when nudge is shown to the user where "Send the event to Analytics provider" is enabled for the nudge
                        // send `dataFromHansel` to your analytics provider
                        // e.g. CleverTap.push(clevertapAPI, "hansel_nudge_show_event", dataFromHansel);
                    "hansel_nudge_event" -> {
                        // Invokes when nudge is dismissed from the device where "Send the event to Analytics provider" is enabled for the nudge
                        // send `dataFromHansel` to your analytics provider
                        // e.g. CleverTap.push(clevertapAPI, "hansel_nudge_event", dataFromHansel);
                    "hansel_branch_tracker" -> {
                        // Invokes when user branch is changed or initial state of the branches gets synced
                        // send `dataFromHansel` to your analytics provider
                        // e.g. CleverTap.push(clevertapAPI, "hansel_branch_tracker", dataFromHansel);

Step 2 : Registering the listener with Product Experience SDK

import io.hansel.ujmtracker.HanselTracker;

//Register the listener with Hansel SDK by using this code.
import io.hansel.ujmtracker.HanselTracker

//Register the listener with Hansel SDK by using this code.


  1. Please ensure to select the checkbox 'Send nudges to Analytics Provider' from Step 2 of Nudge creation flow for hansel_nudge_show_event & hansel_nudge_event
  2. Please note that this step is not required for hansel_branch_tracker call back

  1. Below are properties that you can expect in these following events.


  • interaction_map_name
  • nudge_name
  • nudge_type
  • app_id
  • user_id (fallback to device id if not present)


  • interaction_map_name
  • nudge_name
  • nudge_type
  • app_id
  • user_id (fallback to device id if not present)
  • nudge_rating : NULL | Rating | NPS (will be a number)
  • nudge_mcq : MCQ (will be a string)
  • nudge_inputtext: NULL | text
  • nudge_action: button1/2_clicked | buttontext | close_clicked | noaction_autodismissed | noaction_screenchanged | noaction_appclosed | backdrop_dismissed


  • hsl_counter -> integer value that represents the number of hsl_data present in dataFromHansel map. For example hsl_counter = 3 means hsl_data, hsl_data1 and hsl_data2 should be available in map
  • hsl_data
  • hsl_ven -> represents analytics vendor used for the SDK.