These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

GDPR Compliance

Smartech believes privacy is a fundamental human right, which is why Smartech SDK has methods to opt-out from tracking user's events, displaying in-app messages, and receiving push notifications sent from the panel.

Opt-Out From Tracking Events, displaying In-App Messaging and receiving Push Notification

To opt-out for tracking of events, display of in-app, and receiving push notifications developer needs to implement the following methods and pass NO/false in the argument.

//Used for tracking
[[Smartech sharedInstance] optTracking:NO];

//Used for In-App
[[Smartech sharedInstance] optInAppMessage:NO];

//Used for Push Notification
[[Smartech sharedInstance] optPushNotification:NO];
//Used for tracking

//Used for In-App
Smartech.sharedInstance().opt(inAppMessage: false)

//Used for Push Notification

To enable tracking of events, display of in-app, and receiving push notifications developer needs to pass YES/true.

//Used for tracking
[[Smartech sharedInstance] optTracking:YES];

//Used for In-App
[[Smartech sharedInstance] optInAppMessage:YES];

//Used for Push Notification
[[Smartech sharedInstance] optPushNotification:YES];
//Used for tracking

//Used for In-App
Smartech.sharedInstance().opt(inAppMessage: true)

//Used for Push Notification

Get the values set for GDPR Compliance

//Check Event Tracking Opt status
BOOL trackingOptStatus = [[Smartech sharedInstance] hasOptedTracking];

//Check Push Notification Opt status
BOOL notificationOptStatus = [[Smartech sharedInstance] hasOptedPushNotification];

//Check In-App Opt status
BOOL inAppOptStatus = [[Smartech sharedInstance] hasOptedInAppMessage];
//Check Event Tracking Opt status
let trackingOptStatus = Smartech.sharedInstance().hasOptedTracking()

//Check Push Notification Opt status
let notificationOptStatus = Smartech.sharedInstance().hasOptedPushNotification()

//Check In-App Opt status
let inAppOptStatus = Smartech.sharedInstance().hasOptedInAppMessage()

Get GUID or Device token

If you need any additional information like device token or device GUID you can implement the following methods

[[Smartech sharedInstance] getDevicePushToken];
[[Smartech sharedInstance] getDeviceGuid];

Set Location for events

If you have set the value of key SmartechAutoFetchLocation with NO in your apps Info.plist under SmartechKeys dictionary and you want to handle the location which will be sent with every Smartech SDK events then you can use a method named setUserLocation by passing an object of CLLocationCoordinate2D in the parameter. The location will only be sent the same until and unless this method gets the new location, if the location is not updated then for every event the same location will be sent and it will only reset after the app launch. If SmartechAutoFetchLocation is YES then the value will be updated for every event.

CLLocationCoordinate2D location = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude);
[[Smartech sharedInstance] setUserLocation:location];
let location = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude)

Process Events Manually

If you want to sync all the events which are tracked by Smartech SDK and are in the database when the user was offline then you call processEventsManually method which will start the sync of all stored methods from database which were stored when the user was offline.

[[Smartech sharedInstance] processEventsManually];