Nudges - Setting up Test Devices
Hansel lets you create Test Devices for your iOS apps. Devices that are part of Test Devices will receive the updated value of configs immediately. On all other devices, the configs are cached locally for high availability.
Adding devices to Test Devices also comes in handy when you want to preview features and changes before you release them to production.
Test Device and Custom URL Scheme
You will be unable to add test devices without defining the Custom URL Scheme while creating the App. You can change this value later from the App Settings page.
Here is how you can create a Test Device on Hansel.
Step 1: Pass the custom url to Smartech SDK
Pass the custom url scheme to the Smartech SDK using the below code snippet. This code should be added in the AppDelegate file of the app.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options {
BOOL handleBySmartech = [[Smartech sharedInstance] application:app openURL:url options:options];
if(!handleBySmartech) {
//Handle the url by the app
return YES;
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
Bool handleBySmartech = Smartech.sharedInstance().application(app, open: url, options: options);
if(!handleBySmartech) {
//Handle the url by the app
return true;
Step 2: Open the Hansel Dashboard
Open the Hansel dashboard and navigate to an app, and click on "Test" in the left-hand pane (as shown below).
You can also reach here by clicking on the "Test" card on the Homepage
Step 3: Name your Device Group
In the Test Devices section click the create button on the top right. Enter a name for your test device group. After giving the name click on the add button to save the test device group.
Step 4: Add a device to your group
Click on the 'Add device' icon on the top right side as shown in the below image.
Step 5: Enter the device name
After you enter the device name, please click "Continue". You will receive an email with a link to pair your test device. This link will be valid for 30 mins.
Step 6: Open the Link from the device you wish to Add
To pair the device, open the link which you received in your email from the device you wish to pair in a browser.
Follow the instructions below:
- Click on the "Continue" button on the web page
- Make sure that the application with Hansel SDK is installed on your device
- Refresh the Test Devices screen on the Hansel Dashboard. The status of your device should change to "Paired"
- If the device doesn't reflect immediately as a test device, please try opening the link in the email one more time
Next steps in setting up Hansel
Once you have successfully setup the test devices, ensure that you configure Analytics with Hansel. To learn more, click here
Updated about 4 years ago