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Smartech account Disable

Reasons for which your Smartech account gets Disabled

You try to login one day to your Smartech panel and you come across the following screen -


Below are the reasons, because of one of them your account might get disabled and you will come across a screen like above -

  1. If your payment has been due for long. Following message you will see while trying to log in - ‘This Smartech account has been disabled because of payment related issue. Please contact the Smartech customer support at +91-22-66628081 or

  2. If you were sending too many spam mails. Following message, you will see while trying to log in - 'This Smartech account has been disabled because of spam complaints against email sent using this account. Please contact the Smartech customer support at +91-22-66628081 or

  3. If you haven't logged in to your Smartech account for a specified time. Following message you will see along with the specified time - 'This Smartech account has been disabled because of no login activity in last 30 days(in case of demo account otherwise)/18 months. Please contact the Smartech customer support at +91-22-66628081 or

  4. Your Smartech account might be disabled for other reasons as well. Following message, you will see - 'This Smartech account has been disabled because of “stated reason”. Please contact the Smartech customer support at +91-22-66628081 or

Note - In point 4 the “stated reason“ gets replaced with the specified reason(The reason which will be mentioned while disabling the account).