These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

Configuring Capabilities of App and Extensions

Enabling App Capabilities for App



  1. Make sure you add App Transport Security Settings with Allow Arbitrary Loads as YES in Info.plist of App, Service Extension and Content Extension to support http calls.
  2. App Groups must be same between App, Service Extension and Content Extension.

For Smartech SDK to work, you need to enable below app capabilities in your main app.

  1. App Groups - Enable/Add and select a valid App Group for your app. This is used by App, Service Extension and Content Extension to access data as all three are different targets.
  2. Background Modes - Enable/Add Background Modes and select Remote notifications. This used to send remote notifications in background mode.
  3. Push Notifications - Enable/Add and Configure App Push Notifications feature for your App ID in Apple Developer Account. This is used to enable the push notifications for the app.

Enabling App Capabilities for Service and Content Extension

For our SDK to work in your project you need to enable below app capability in both of your extensions.

  1. App Groups - Enable/Add and select a valid App Group for your app. This is used by App, Service Extension and Content Extension to access data as all three are different targets.

You can refer to the below PDF for detailed steps to enable app capabilities in your main app and extensions.