These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

Product Catalogue Sync


Smartech Product Catalogue helps you upload your store and product data to Smartech ecosystem and make it available for your growth marketing strategy.
Smartech supports Google Merchant Center's feed format. If you are already using the Google's feed format, you can seamlessly sync your product catalogue with Smartech

How it works?

The product catalogue is JSON array with key-value pair. While doing the dynamic email campaigns, marketer can mention the catalogue key or id and Smartech shall insert the corresponding value.
e.g <g:price>1499.00</g:price>
The first product catalogue sync will happen manually. In order to do so, existing Smartech customers can contact ''.
Then, we'll sync the product catalogue at a frequency based on the client's business need.
Note: The default sync frequency is 24 hrs.

Below is an example of product catalogue json format.

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:g=""> <channel> <title></title> <link></link> <description>Online Products Example</description> <item> <g:title>Jacket With Contrast Striped Sleeves</g:title> <g:id>999999</g:id> <g:item_group_id>100999</g:item_group_id> <g:color>Black</g:color> <g:size>S</g:size> <g:material>Polyester Blended</g:material> <g:price>1499.00</g:price> <g:sale_price>1499.00</g:sale_price> <g:identifier_exists>no</g:identifier_exists> <g:product_type><![CDATA[Coats & Jackets > Men Bomber Jackets]]></g:product_type> <g:google_product_category><![CDATA[Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Outerwear > Coats & Jackets]]></g:google_product_category> <g:brand>Blotch</g:brand> <g:link></g:link> <g:image_link></g:image_link> <g:condition>new</g:condition> <g:description>Jacket by EXAMPLE Made from polyester blended Baseball collar Front zipper fastening Side pockets Ribbed detail Long contrast sleeves Slim fit The indigenous fashion brand EXAMPLE is known for Jackets. </g:description> <g:availability>in stock</g:availability> <g:gender>Male</g:gender> <g:age_group>Adult</g:age_group> <g:adwords_labels>non-lingerie</g:adwords_labels> <g:custom_label_0>Male</g:custom_label_0> <g:promotion_id>sign_up_offer_500</g:promotion_id> <g:custom_label_1/> <g:custom_label_2>Black</g:custom_label_2> <g:display_ads_link><![CDATA[{ifdbm:utm_source=DBM&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=HELPCENTER}]]></g:display_ads_link> <g:currency>INR</g:currency> <g:mobile_android_app_link><![CDATA[android-app://{campaignid}&is_retargeting=true]]></g:mobile_android_app_link> <g:custom_label_3>Default</g:custom_label_3> </item>

Example in email broadcast:


As shown in the above screenshot, Smartech will fetch description, price, quantity, total and total cost from the product catalogue data shared by the client.


Contact to sync your product catalogue

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