SMS Templates

In order to add a create an SMS Template in the Smartech panel, please login to the Smartech.
There are two types of SMS Templates which can be created using Smartech panels
Type 1: SMSes with Sender IDs (Trans and Grey-Trans)
Please ensure that the options marked * are mandatory, and cannot be skipped without the required action.
- Post you login to your Smartech panel, click on "Content."
- Under Content,you will be able to see multiple options like: Email, SMS, Push Notification, Browser Push Notification
- Click on "SMS" and proceed to the next step of Template creation.
- Here, you will be able to see the list of templates which has been created previously in the panel (if any) under My Templates. Click on "Create New Template" to proceed further.
- Provide a unique name to the template according to its type under "Template Name" section, so as to identify it for further use.
- Select the required category from the drop down menu, or you can select the category as Uncategorized in case you do not wish to add it in any category.
- Type in your message in the given Textbox, taking into consideration the total characters in the message, shown under the Textbox. Please note that 1 message is equal to 160 characters.
- Select the checkbox, which states “Send for Whitelisting”, as message will not be delivered through Trans route and Sender ID, in case the message is not whitelisted.
- Enter the Email ID where you wish to receive the update as soon as the message is whitelisted at the support's end. It usually takes an hour to get the message whitelisted through this process.
- Click on Save and Send for Approval, and you will be able to see that status as “Pending”
- Please make sure to use CONTENT in case a content in the message is a variable, and has a dynamic value (Name, Date, Time, Age etc.)
- Once the message is reviewed by our team, you will receive an Email update regarding the action (Approved / Rejected).
- In case the message is rejected, you will have to get the changes done to the message as suggested, and upload the template for whitelisting once again.
- Once the Template is Approved, you can send it for SMS activities.
Type 2: SMSes without Sender IDs (Promotional SMSes)
Please ensure that the options marked * are mandatory, and cannot be skipped without the required action.
- Post you login to your Smartech panel, click on "Content."
- Under Content,you will be able to see multiple options like: Email, SMS, Push Notification, Browser Push Notification
- Click on "SMS" and proceed to the next step of Template creation.
- Here, you will be able to see the list of templates which were created previously in the panel (if any) under My Templates. Click on "Create New Template" to proceed further.
- Provide a unique name to the template according to its type under "Template Name" section, so as to identify it for further use.
- Select the required category from the drop down menu, or you can select the category as “Uncategorized” in case you do not wish to add it in any category.
- Type in your message in the given Textbox, taking into consideration the total characters in the message, shown under the Textbox. Please note that 1 message is equal to 160 characters.
- Please make sure to use in case a content in the message is a variable, and has a dynamic value (Name, Date, Time, Age etc.)
- Click on “Save”, and the template is ready for SMS activities.
SMS whitelisting Process
Sending a template from a Transactional sender ID requires “whitelisting” the template. Basically, every message content is verified before sending from a transactional sender ID.
Whitelisting a SMS template is just a checkbox, at the time of creation of a template. When you select the checkbox for whitelisting. A request is sent to smartech support.

Updated over 6 years ago