App Churn Management
At the growth stage of every app, company is focused on acquiring as many customers as possible. But after a point, it would not be possible to acquire more customers. That is where a marketer will think of retention.
This is just not for a startup; even the largest of the companies struggle with churn.
As stats suggest, acquiring a customer costs 5 times more than retaining the existing ones. It is very clear now that the main focus should be not only on acquiring new customers but to retain the existing customers as well.
“Prevention is better than Cure”
Keeping this in mind and looking at the user behavior, Raman helps identify users who will not be using your app. This is where you can go ahead and target the users to make them use the app and stop them from uninstalling your app.
Churn Management is an end to end solution Powered by Raman, to predict and arrest churn.

Churn Prediction Segments
To start making the most of Churn Management, team Raman will help you setup the prediction period. Prediction period is the period for which Raman will predict the users who are likely to churn.
Raman can predict the users who are not likely to use your app for 7/14/28 days.
Once the prediction period has been set, there will be predictions generated for the users who are likely to churn or not use your app in next 7/14/28 days.
These predictions will be divided into 3 buckets viz. “Most Likely to churn”, “Moderately Likely to Churn” and “Least Likely to Churn”.
Each of these buckets is actually a segment of users who are likely to churn. On each of these segments, there will be a count of users that are there in the segment. There will also be a prediction of how likely are users to churn out if there are no efforts done to stop them from churning.

Creating Campaign
Once there are predictions of the users who are likely to churn, the next step would be to target these users via some campaign/s.
For that, the user will be able to create a campaign to target a set of users from Churn Management dashboard. User will need to select what segment he wants to do campaign and what type of campaign. It is possible to create Email, APN, BPN and SMS campaigns from the dashboard.
Once the predictions are generated and campaigns are done to target users in the prediction period, the next predictions will be generated for next prediction period and the actual performance of the last prediction period will be displayed in the table at bottom for each segment.
Each row will be for a prediction period and will show performance metrics like Accuracy, Churn Arrested and Opportunity Lost.

Churn Performance
Accuracy is a measure to see how was the performance of Raman churn model for last prediction period.
Churn Arrested is the number of users who were likely to churn and did not churn as a result of efforts to stop them from churning by sending them campaign/s.
Opportunity Lost is the number of users who actually did not use the app in the last prediction period and marketer did not do any campaign to stop them from churning out.
Updated almost 5 years ago