Manage Email Domains

In this section, users have the option to add new domains or manage their existing domains.

Add Domain

To add a new domain, click on the Add Domain button. below screen will come, where users are expected to enter a domain name, associated there company or brand name.

Update Domain

To view/update DNS settings of existing domains. Click on three dots and select Edit.



  • Users are allowed to delete domains with error status only.
  • User can search for domain name or use filter to apply.
  • Here are status wise info for domains
    • Success - Domain DNS records is successfully verfied and ready to use for email sending.
    • Pending - Domain DNS records are pending for verification and it will not be visible in campaign or journey module for sending email.
    • Error - Domain DNS few of the records are pending for verification and it will not be visible in campaign or journey module for sending email.
    • Migrated - These domains are existing domains which are migrated from older setup to new DNS system.

1 - To view/update DNS settings of existing domains. Click on three dots and select Edit.

Manage email domain screen

2 - Users will see further details on a given screen. Here users can do following

  1. View / Download / Email DNS records for required configuration.
  2. After successful configuration, users can verify the same by clicking the Verify button.
  3. After successful verification, users will be asked to do SSL certification configuration by clicking on the Configure SSL button.


Please Note

  1. If required, the user has the provision to edit the hostname value and update the same.
    1. If the hostname value is edited after DNS records are verified, the domain will become inactive to use as all records would need to re-verify. In such a case, the user should follow step 1 to step 3 again.
    2. All the records are mandatory to configure and verify.