Role Based Access Control: Troubleshooting & FAQs

Frequently asked Questions related to Role-based access control

Q. How to get started?

A. To get started with RBAC, administrators can follow these simple steps:

  1. Enable RBAC: RBAC is enabled by default for your Netcore CE dashboard. It is available for configuration within your dashboard's settings.
  2. One-Time Activity for Users: Since RBAC is a new feature, all panel users will be allotted relevant system roles as a default. For example, Admins will remain Admins, while Makers and Checkers will be migrated as makers and checkers respectively. However, all other panel users will be assigned the Admin role by default. To customize roles for these users:
    1. Create a custom role relevant to your organization's needs. For example, you may create a "Campaign executioner" role with specific permissions for handling customer queries.
    2. Assign this custom role to the relevant users and manage access effectively.
  3. Role Deletion Impact: Note that any new user (if not specified) will be assigned the Analyst role by default. If a role is deleted, the impact will depend on the user's existing roles:
    1. If the deleted role was the only assigned role, the user will be assigned the Analyst role.
    2. If multiple roles were assigned to the user, the remaining roles will be merged.

For more information on RBAC, refer to this document.