Find definitions for key terms on the Netcore PX dashboard here.
Conversion Goal
The desired action or event you want users to complete.
Total Event Count
The total number of goal events performed by users after seeing the nudge.
Unique User Count
The number of unique users performing the goal event after seeing the nudge.
Sum of Event Property
The combined value of a specific property from the chosen goal event. For example, total subscription revenue from the Subscription Success event.
A/B Test with Multiple Nudge Variants
Experiment with multiple nudge designs to determine which performs best in achieving the conversion goal.
Rollout Nudge Once and for All
Deploy the nudge to the entire target audience simultaneously.
Rollout Nudge in Phases
Gradually release the nudge to segments of the target audience over time.
Show as Modal Bottom Sheet
Display the nudge as a sliding panel at the bottom of the screen.
Design Elements
The space between the content and the edges of the nudge.
The transparency level of the nudge elements.
Hollow Button
A button with only an outlined border and no filled background.
Filled Button
A button with a solid, filled background.
Show Secondary Button
Display an additional, optional button for alternative user actions.
Close Prompt
Dismiss the nudge without performing an action.
Launch URL
Redirect users to a specified web address.
Invoke Action
Trigger a predefined action within the application.
Updated 2 months ago