AMP in Emails

Use AMP to send interactive, dynamic emails through the Netcore CE dashboard.


Netcore's AMP email feature enhances email content by making it dynamic and interactive, attracting recipients instantly. AMP for Email offers interactive elements enabling users to take action directly from their inbox. AMP emails feature interactive elements such as image carousels and accordions. Use AMP components to create engaging elements like surveys, feedback forms, voting campaigns, reviews, and subscription centers. These help to enhance engagement and boost retention. Incorporating AMP into email campaigns increases click-through rates, conversions, and overall customer satisfaction.


Points to Remember

  • The headers and footers do not work for AMP emails.
  • The SPAM score for AMP emails is not calculated.
Example of an AMP Email

Example of an AMP Email

Benefits of AMP for Email

Following the key benefits of AMP for Email.

  1. Conversion Boost: AMP for email boosts conversions by creating engaging, interactive content.
  2. Drop-off Reduction: It reduces drop-off rates by keeping users engaged within the email interface.
  3. Expanded Email Usage: It expands the scope of email usage, offering innovative communication possibilities.
  4. Personalization Upgrade: It introduces a new level of personalization, catering content to individual preferences and actions.
  5. Competitive Advantage: With relatively low competition, AMP offers a unique opportunity to stand out in email marketing.

Refer to the below links to learn more about AMP in Email.

Supported Email Clients

The following email services can display AMP content. Refer to the register links below for more information.

Email Service ProviderRegister Link


Ensure the following prerequisites are met before creating your first AMP email campaign.

  • In a scenario where interactivity can increase the Conversion metric, prepare the AMP HTML and validate the same. Fallback (static) HTML must also be created for customers who cannot see AMP mail.
  • AMP sender domain verification typically requires one to two weeks, depending upon the specific use case.
  • Use the production-ready AMP and corresponding Fallback content to get verified for the AMP sender ID. This is a one-time process for each sender ID. Once a sender ID is verified, you can use it for other use cases.
  • To send AMP emails to your end users, you must do one-time Sender ID whitelisting. Every sender ID you plan to use to send AMP emails must be whitelisted. If AMP emails are sent to end users without whitelisting, end users will see only Fallback HTML content. AMP will not render. This whitelisting takes 15-20 days, so it is advisable to apply for it as soon as possible.

Prerequisites for Creating an AMP Template

Several prerequisites must be followed when creating an AMP email template to ensure an interactive user experience. These include using specific classes, grouping elements, validations, and multi-step forms.

1. Classes

Use predefined class names to detect label and input fields and those already used for styling. These class names must not conflict with existing styling classes.



Label Element => Class: nc-question
Input / Select / Textarea Element => Class: nc-answer

Applying these classes is crucial for validations, mapping, and storing responses. The application does not validate these classes; you must ensure they are correctly added to the desired fields.

2. Grouping

Group every input element that needs to be tracked with a label element using the id and for attributes. Validations ensure correct grouping.

The label's attribute value should match the input's id attribute for correct grouping.



label.for ⇔

You can also nest input elements inside label elements. If there is text inside the label, it will be used for mapping. If no text is found, the value of the label element will be used for mapping.

3. Validations

Ensuring proper validation is crucial for the smooth functioning and data integrity of AMP email templates. Here are the validation requirements.

  • Form Element: Each form must have a unique ID if there are multiple forms. The application validates this.
  • Label Element: If nc-question is applied, the id and for attributes are required for label elements. The application validates this.
  • Input / Select / Textarea Element: The id and name attributes are mandatory for input elements if nc-answer is applied. The application validates this. The name attribute must comply with W3C standards, starting with a letter or underscore, followed by alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens.
  • Generic Validations
    • Ensure the name attribute is unique within the form.
    • Ensure the id attribute is unique within the template.
    • Ensure the id and name attributes are not repeated in multistep forms.
    • Group every input element that needs to be tracked with a label element. The label tag is mandatory but can be hidden.
4. Multi-Step Forms

For multi-step forms, group fields using matching data-multistep attribute values for each step. Forms with the same values are grouped together, while different values create separate mapping objects.

To recognize steps in multi-step forms, include additional data attributes like data-curstep=1 (indicating the step number) and data-totalsteps=3 (indicating the total number of steps).

If you do not want to track a form (multi-step or normal), add data-no_tracking=true to the form tag to exclude it from tracking.

Create AMP Email

These are the steps to create an AMP Email campaign:

  1. Click the Create button on the dashboard homepage.
  2. Select Engage with users > Email under Campaigns > AMP.
  3. Choose an AMP whitelisted sender ID from the dropdown menu. If you are creating an AMP for the first time, click on the tooltip next to the Sender ID to add a new AMP sender ID. Ensure that the added sender ID is whitelisted, as Netcore Cloud lacks the capability to verify it.
  4. Add campaign details to your email campaign in the Setup section.
  5. Define the target audience for your campaign in the Audience section.
  6. Add the sender details for your campaign and proceed to create your template.
  7. In the Content section, you can create a new AMP template or use an existing one.
  8. If no AMP template exists, select the Create a new AMP template or choose from system gallery > Blank Canvas and craft a new template through the following methods:
  • Create a template using the Drag and Drop Editor.
  • Create a template by inputting the AMP and Fallback code in the Code Editor.
  • Customize ready-made templates to suit specific requirements.
  1. Preview the AMP and Fallback creatives before sending the email.