AMP: Unified Content Editor

Create AMP Email templates with our Unified Content editor (Drag & Drop).

Our Unified Content Editor is named Drag & Drop Editor on the Netcore CE dashboard.

Drag & Drop Editor

The Drag & Drop Editor is your all-in-one solution for creating content across various channels, such as AMP and HTML emails. This feature allows you to create and save custom campaigns for later use.

Create AMP Email with Drag & Drop

Follow these steps to create an AMP email using Drag & Drop.

  1. Choose any existing template or create a new one under the Content section when creating your campaign.
  2. Select the Drag & Drop option to create the content for your campaign using our drag-and-drop options.

As you proceed, you see three options on the left pane.

1. Layout


It will help you structure arrangements of basic elements, such as text, images, or buttons, in a visually appealing way. Drag and drop any layout on the canvas to create the template.

Drag and drop the Layout element

Drag and drop the Layout element

2. Basic Elements

Basic Elements

You can start your template with basic elements like text, image, divider, spacer, and so on.

Create your Web Message using Basic Elements

Create your AMP Email using Basic Elements

Refer to the table below to know the description of basic elements.

Basic ElementsHeadingSelect this option to add a heading to your template.
ParagraphSelect this option to add a message to your template.
ImageSelect this option to insert an image into your template. Customize your template's visuals with these image editing tools.
  • Add Image: Insert an image into your template.
  • Image Size: Adjust the size of the inserted image.
  • Link the Image to a URL: Make the image clickable by adding a URL, directing users to a specific page when they click on it.
  • Open Redirect URL in: Choose whether the linked URL opens in a new or similar tab.
  • Personalize Image: Customize the image with personalized content.
  • Alternative Text for Image:
  • DividerSelect this option to separate content sections in your template.
    SpacerSelect this option to add a spacer to your template.
    ButtonSelect this option to integrate a button into your template.
    • Redirect URL: Set the destination URL to which the button will redirect when clicked.
    • Button fill colour: Choose the background color for the button to enhance visual appeal.
    • Button type: Select the shape and style of the button. The options include:
      1. Rectangle filled: A solid rectangle button.
      2. Rectangle outline: A rectangle button with an outlined border.
      3. Rounded rectangle outline: A rectangle button with rounded corners and an outlined border.
      4. Rounded rectangle filled: A rectangle button with rounded corners and a solid fill.
    • Button size: Adjust the overall dimensions of the button. The options include:
      1. Small: A compact button size.
      2. Default: The standard button size.
      3. Medium: A slightly larger button size than the default.
      4. Large: A significantly larger button size.
      5. Custom size: Define the custom width and height for the button.
    Social LinksSelect this option to add social media links to your template. You can add up to 16 icons.
    Click on the box icon to enable or disable the display associated with each social media icon.
  • Icon size: Customize the appearance of the icons by selecting the desired size (small, medium, large, or custom size) from a dropdown menu.
  • Icon style: Choose the style of the icons (squares, circles, or rounded) by selecting an option from a dropdown menu.
  • 3. Widgets


    AMP widgets in emails allow you to create highly interactive and dynamic content, transforming your email campaigns into engaging experiences. With Netcore's DIY editor, you can easily add widgets to your AMP emails, enabling actions like filling out forms or browsing products directly within the email. This interactivity enhances customer interaction and boosts engagement, making your campaigns more effective and impactful.

    Click here for a detailed overview of the various widgets available when creating your email.

    1. When your template is ready, using your desired elements and settings, click the Next Step button > Save & Preview
    2. Review the details of your campaign one final time. If everything looks good, click Save & Publish to send the campaign.

    Refer to Save & Publish your email campaign.