WhatsApp Template

Learn to create a WhatsApp template using the Netcore CE dashboard.

The WhatsApp Template section contains all the templates you have previously created for your campaigns. You can easily browse these templates or create new, customized ones to suit your campaign needs.

Log in to the Netcore CE dashboard and navigate to Content > WhatsApp to create or use existing templates.

Navigate to WhatsApp Templates

Navigate to WhatsApp Templates

Key Features

Here are the available functionalities.

Feature NameDescription
Search FunctionSearch specific templates by entering the Template ID or Name.
SyncUpdate or refresh the status of templates with the sync button.
Download reportDownload a report detailing the template status and activities.
Create TemplateThe Create Template functionality leads to the template creation interface, which is divided into two main sections: Setup and Content.
DurationSelect the time period during which the templates were created. You are given a list of the following options:
  • Yesterday: Shows data for the previous day.
  • Today: Shows data for the current day.
  • Last 7 Days: Shows data for the most recent seven days, including today.
  • Last 30 Days: Shows data for the previous 30 days from the current date.
  • Last 90 Days: Shows data of the last 90 days' activity.
  • Custom range: Shows data for a defined date range.
Template typeFilter templates based on their type. Here are the options available:
  • All: Includes all types of WhatsApp templates.
  • Text: Templates that consist of text messages only.
  • Image: Templates that include images.
  • Video: Templates that feature video content.
  • Document: Templates that contain document files.
  • Catalogue: Templates that display a product catalog.
  • Multi-Product: Templates designed to showcase multiple products.
StatusFilter templates by their current status. The options available here are
  • All: Refers to all templates, regardless of their current status.
  • Pending: Refers to templates awaiting Meta's approval.
  • Approved: Refers to templates that Meta has approved.
  • Rejected: Refers to templates that Meta has reviewed and declined.
  • Appeal: Refers to templates submitted for approval after rejection.
  • Disabled: Refers to templates that have been deactivated and are no longer available.
  • Flagged: Refers to templates marked for review due to potential violations.
  • Reinstated: Refers to templates that were previously disabled or flagged but have been restored.
  • Paused: Refers to templates that are temporarily paused and are not currently active.
  • Pending deletion: Refers to templates scheduled for removal but not yet deleted from the system.
More filtersRefine your search with additional Language and Category filters.

Create Template

Click the Create Template button to create a new template for WhatsApp.


The Setup section allows you to add the campaign details.

Template NameEnter a unique name for your template. Maximum 255 characters, alphanumeric, and underscore are allowed.
CategorySelect from the dropdown to categorize your template.
Select languageSelect the language in which the template will be written.
TypeSelect the template type: Text, Media, Multi-Product, or Catalogue.
Allow template recategorization by MetaMeta can change the category of a template even after it has been created.


The Content section defines the content of the WhatsApp template to be created.

HeaderAdd a header to your template. It can be text, image, video, or a document introducing the main message.
BodyCompose the main content of your message. Text can be formatted using bold, italics, strikethrough, monospace, and emojis.
FooterAdd a short text at the bottom of your message.
ButtonAdd interactive buttons to your message. You can include up to two call-to-action or three quick reply buttons.
  • Call-to-action buttons let users dial a phone number or visit a URL.
  • Quick-reply buttons allow users to select from up to three preset responses. For example: Yes, No, Not sure.

Add Sample

The Add Sample feature allows you to set a fallback value for any variables in your message templates, such as a product name. This feature keeps your messages clear and professional, even if fetching the actual data is a problem. Including sample content can speed up Meta's approval process. Ensure you use only placeholder text in your examples, not real user or customer information. For each variable, add a fallback word. For example, instead of just {{1}}, you can set Product as the fallback and click Save.


  • Suppose you create this message template: Check out our new {{1}}! Here, {{1}} is meant to be replaced with the product name. Ideally, the message would say: Check out our new Smartphone! However, if the system cannot find the product name, the message will read, Check out our new! This looks incomplete and unprofessional.
  • Using the Add Sample feature, you can set a fallback text like Product or Item. The message will still look complete if the product name is unavailable: Check out our new Product!


Message Template Guidelines

  • Review Process: Meta reviews your message templates daily and responds within 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays.
  • Template Name: Use clear names for templates like bus_ticket_details instead of template_014 so reviewers understand the template's purpose.
  • Include a Sample: Add a sample message when submitting a template. You need a sample to appeal if rejected.
  • Multiple Languages: Submit content in different languages under one template name with all languages included.
  • Reopen Conversations: Start with a reference to the previous chat like "Following up on our last chat..." to reopen the 24-hour window.
  • Manage Templates: Delete unused templates. You have a limit of 250 templates per WABA. Request more with a strong business reason.
  • Parameter Values: Avoid newline characters. For listing options, create separate templates or use a Show More Quick Reply button.
  • Avoid Acronyms: Use full words for clarity.

Refer to Meta's Message Template Guidelines to know more.

Once you have finished adding content to the template, Save & Send for Approval. After successful submission, your template will appear on the templates page. Click next to the template to delete or duplicate it.



All templates can be duplicated regardless of their template status. Once the template is duplicated, it is saved as a draft and must be sent for approval to Meta. When your template is approved, you can start sending messages after a 30-minute delay.