Understanding why nudges are not shown

This guide will help you understand the nudge diagnosis results, i.e. how many users are not seeing the nudges and why.


Below are SDK version prerequisites for getting results of nudge not shown count along with reasons. Please ensure to upgrade your SDK:

  • Android Smartech Nudges SDK v8.9.0 and above and Android Base SDK v3.2.27 (modular SDK) or Android SDK v3.1.40 (non-modular SDK) onwards.
  • iOS Smartech Nudges SDK v8.5.30 and above and iOS Base SDK v3.2.10 (modular SDK) or iOS SDK v3.1.14 (non-modular SDK) onwards
  • This feature is also available on Web JS SDK.

We've enhanced the nudge results analytics with 'nudge-not-shown' reasons. You can find it under the - nudge results > Diagnosis tab. Details of each data point is mentioned below:

  • Overall population - This is the unique count of users satisfying a given branch condition, be it a segment or a variant branch.
  • Unique trigger count - This is the unique count of users doing the trigger event. This is calculated as the unique count of nudge shown and nudge not shown events.
  • Users not nudged - This is the unique count of users who performed the trigger event but the nudge was not shown to such users due to various reasons.

In the subsequent section, you will see a graph of overall users not nudged. Further down, we have provided bifurcation of different reasons for which nudges are not shown to the users

Below is a quick summary of all the reasons that are currently tracked for nudges not shown.

  • 1. Reason: Device criteria not matched that includes app version, device, OS, OS version, manufacturer, SDK version

This reason is shown when a user doesn't satisfy conditions related to app version, device make and model, OS, OS version or SDK version.

You can review if conditions are set correctly as per the use case. If yes, then this is expected behavior.

  • 2. Reason: The repeat frequency condition is not met

This error signifies that the nudge repeat condition criteria is not met and hence nudge is not shown to a user.

This is expected behavior as per the repeat condition set for a given nudge. You can review the criteria in the trigger section of the given nudge as shown below if it's correct as per the use case.

  • 3. Reason: The stop condition based on scheduled timeout is met

This error signifies that the nudge stop condition based on scheduled timeout is not met and hence nudge is not shown to a user.

This is expected behavior as per the stop condition based on scheduled timeout set for a given nudge. You can review the criteria in the trigger section of the given nudge as shown below if it's correct as per the use case.

  • 4. Reason: The stop condition based on number of nudges shown or event occurred is met

This error signifies that the nudge stop condition based on number of nudges shown or event occurred is not met and hence nudge is not shown to a user

This is expected behavior as per the stop condition based on number of nudges shown or event occurred that is set for a given nudge. You can review the criteria in the trigger section of the given nudge as shown below if it's correct as per the use case.

  • 5. Reason: App-level frequency cap has met

This error signifies that the app-level frequency conditions are not met and hence nudge is not shown to a user.

This is expected behavior as per the global frequency capping set at the app level. You can review the criteria in the app settings page as shown below if it's correct as per the use case.

  • 6. Reason: Criteria mismatched for trigger event having event property condition

This error signifies that the event property condition set in the trigger condition of the nudge is not matching, and hence nudge is not shown to a user.

This is expected behavior as the event property condition is not met. You can review the criteria in the trigger section of the given nudge shown below if it's correct as per the use case.

  • 7. Reason: Not enough space to show nudge

When a given nudge doesn't get enough height to render on a given device, nudge is not displayed to the user. This is typically applicable for anchored nudges such as tooltip, beacons set near edge of the screen.

In such cases, you can select auto-position setting for nudges (shown in screenshot below) where our SDK will decide either top or bottom position for the nudge rendering if given height is not enough for showing the nudge.

Other technical reasons:

ReasonDetailsCorrective Action
Screen name is not matching with given screen nameThis error is shown when the screen name on the device and the screenshot captured on the PX panel is not matching. Due to this mismatch, nudge is not shown.We recommend to ensure fire trigger event in the activity where nudge is placed
Nudge anchor view is nil or hiddenThis error is shown when the anchor element to which nudge is attached is nil or hidden and hence nudge can't be placed there.We recommend to recapture the nudge and make sure that the nudge is being shown while testing it. Sometimes when the app undergoes an upgrade the anchor element might move up or down because of which we don't show the nudge. Ensure that we regularly recapture and configure nudge placement
Nudge anchor point is outside of window boundsThis error is shown when the anchor element to which nudge is attached is falling outside of the window bounds (say e.g. element is partially visible and below the scroll) and hence nudge is not shown in this case.We ensure to not place the nudge if element is partially visible. If user doesn't scroll, such nudge is dropped. While this is driven by user behavior, you can try implementing correct trigger event for showing the nudge when achored element is visible on the screen.
Nudge anchor point falls outside of its parent viewThis error is shown when the anchor element to which nudge is attached is falling outside of its parent view and hence nudge is not shown in this case.Please ensure the right anchor element is selected and it is consistent across different app versions.
Nudge anchor point is overlapped by another viewThis error is shown when the anchor element to which nudge is attached is getting overlapped with another view. Nudge is not shown in this case.To fix this issue, ensure that you are selecting the right element to place the nudge and ensure it is not getting overlapped with another view. You can also implement hansel_ignore_view method to ignore overlapping transparent views.
View hierarchy is not matching compared to screen captured for the nudgeThis error is shown when the screen view hierarchy on user's device vs the screen captured on the PX panel is different. Due to the difference in view hierarchy, nudge is not shown to a user.In this scenario, you should ensure the view heirarchy of a given screen does not change across different app versions. If it does, we recommend to recapture the screen on PX panel with latest app version.


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