App Push Template


CE enables you to create templates which can be used for future campaigns.

View App Push Templates

View App Push Templates


To create a new template, click on the CREATE button which will bring you to the setup section.


Create a new App Push template

  • Template Name - Give a unique name to your APN template

  • Select OS type - Select the platform for which the template is to be created. i.e. Android, iOS or both

  • Mark category - Assign or add a new category to the template. It is optional.

  • Personalize based on custom attributes - You can use attributes present on your panel to be used for personalization of your template.

    Click on 'Save & Next' to go to the Content section.


After the basic setup is done, 'Content' is the section where all the action happens!


Create Content for App Push template.

  • Title - Add the title of your push notification. You can also add formatting such as bold, italics, underline, text color, text background color, subscript, and superscript here. However, text formatting is supported only on Android SDK.
  • Description - Add the message content of your push notification. You can also add formatting such as bold, italics, underline, text color, text background color, subscript, and superscript here. However, text formatting is supported only on Android SDK.
  • Landing page - You can choose the app homepage, deep link, or URL as a landing page for your push notification. This value is used for redirection when the user clicks anywhere on the notification.

Enable APN interactions
Here you can add and customize amazing interactions to your android or iOS notification content. These options are mentioned below:


Max 20 characters for Title and 1000 characters for notification message(description)

  • Subtitle - You can add a subtitle to your notification. You can also add formatting such as bold, italics, underline, text color, text background color, subscript, and superscript here. However, text formatting is supported only on Android SDK.

  • Rich media - You can add 4 types of rich media to your notification:

    • Image - An image can be added using a URL or directly uploading an image from your system for both
      Android and iOS.
    • Carousel - A slideshow of multiple images. For each slice in a carousel, you can add an image, title, CTA, and a deep link URL.
    • Audio, Video & GIF -To add either of these three rich media, only the URL needs to be provided.
      Please note: Video is not available for Android.



Supported file formats:

  • Image supported formats - .jpeg, .jpg and .png with max 40KB size. Image should be in 2:1 aspect ratio
  • Carousel supported formats - Maximum of 5 slide images of format .jpeg, .jpg and .png with max 40KB size for carousel slice images. The landscape carousel image should be in 2:1 aspect ratio and the portrait carousel should be in 1:1 aspect ratio
  • If you wish to use larger size images, you can provide the self-hosted image URL.
  • Audio supported formats - .mp3, .aiff, and .wav with max 3MB size.
  • Video supported formats - m4v, .mp4, and .mov with max 3MB size and 2:1 aspect ratio
  • GIF supported formats - .gif with max 3MB size and 2:1 aspect ratio

Character Limits:

  • Max 50 characters for Title and 1000 characters for message.
  • Max 30 characters for Title and 50 characters for message for each carousel image slide.
  • CTA URL - Maximum character limit is 1000.
  • Enable sticky notification - Enabling this feature would pin your notification in the notification tray of the device. Such notification will not be cleared by swiping it out or the 'clear all notifications' button. It can only be dismissed by clicking on provided x icon.

  • Background color - You can add background color to your notification as well as customize the degree of opacity of the color. You have the option to add a solid color or use a gradient option where you can define a two-colored gradient effect with a customizable angle setting.
    Please note: Background color support is available only from Netcore Android Base SDK 3.2.30 & Android Push SDK 3.2.16 onwards

  • Action button
    A maximum of 3 Action buttons can be added for push notification which consists of

    • Action button title
    • Call-to-action - Open within app, Open in browser, Close, Copy text, Remind me later.
    • URL or deeplink needs to be provided when open within app or open in browser option is selected above
    • For Copy text action - you can specify the text to be copied. This text can also be personalized
    • For remind me later action- you can specify reminder time. The notification will be dismissed and show again once this reminder time is reached when user clicks on this action button.

The content Preview is available on the right side of the screen.

  • Sound
    Here you can define the message tone played when a notification gets delivered to the device. You have the option to play the default device sound or a custom sound.
    Below are the specifications for Sound file name that you need to enter for the custom sound field.
    • Android versions below version 8 : - Specify the name of the sound file which is included in your app bundle. Supported file formats are .mp3, .ogg, .wav.
    • Android versions 8 & above - Specify the name of the notification channel id. Refer to SDK integration documentation to know how to setup notification channel
    • iOS - Specify the name of the sound file which is included in your app bundle. Supported file formats are
      .aiff, .wav, or .caf.

Please note: Sound file name that you are entering must be present in the app bundle. If not present, the default sound as per the user's device will be played.

Click on 'Save template' button to save the template and close


For any queries, please contact [email protected]