RCS Templates

Learn to create, view, and manage RCS templates.

Log in to Netcore CE dashboard and navigate to Content > RCS .

Navigate to RCS Template

Navigate to RCS Template

Key Features

Here are the available functionality.

Feature NameDescription
Search FunctionYou can search RCS templates using the template name.
DownloadYou can export usage data and download a CSV file format containing the usage data currently displayed on the dashboard.
RefreshYou can refresh the dashboard to updates the current view with the most recent data.
DurationYou can customize the time frame for viewing your RCS template data. You are provided with a list of predefined time periods:
  1. Today: Shows data for the present day.
  2. Yesterday: Shows data for last day.
  3. Last 7 days: Shows data for the most recent seven days, including today.
  4. Last 30 days: Shows data for the previous 30 days from the current date.
  5. Last 90 days: Shows data of the last 90 days' activity.
StatusYou can use status to categorize and sort the templates based on there status. The available status are Approval, Rejected, Pending, and Draft.
TypeYou can use filter to categorize and sort templates based on their format or intended use. The types available are Text message, Rich card carousel, and Rich card stand alone.
Create templateThis create template functionality leads you to the template creation interface, which is divided into two main sections: Setup and Content.

Create Template

Click the Create Template button to create a new template for RCS.

Create Web Push Template

Create RCS Template


Provide details under Setup > Template details section.

Template nameProvide a name for your RCS template. This is a mandatory field.
Bot typeThis is populated based on the bot type you select during onboarding. You currently have Promotional or Transactional bot types available.


Select the layout type for your template, under the Content section. The following layout options are available

1. Text message

You want to create different message variants for your target audience based on the user properties. In that case, this is your best bet. For instance, if you need to send updates in different languages to users based on their language preference, this feature comes in handy.

Create Text message

  1. Add your content in the Body section.
  2. Click +Add variable to add new variable. The variable format is [custom_param].
2. Rich card standalone

With this template you can create SMS which presents visually engaging content directly within the message. It includes images, videos, and interactive buttons, making it perfect for sharing promotions, events, and product details without additional navigation.

Create Rich Card Standalone

Provide the details.

Select card orientationChoose Vertical or Horizontal from the drop-down list.
Select card alignmentChoose Left or Right from the drop-down list for horizontal card.
Choose Short or Medium from the drop-down list for vertical card.
Select an image/videoUpload your image or video. You can directly upload from your local system(with Upload option) or any URL(with Upload from URL). Ensure the following criteria for your visuals:
  1. Ratio: 4:5
  2. File size: max 1 MB.
  3. Optimal Resolution: 567 pixels x 720 pixels
  4. File Type: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF
TitleProvide a title.
DescriptionProvide a description.
+VariableClick +Add variable to add new variable. The variable format is [custom_param].

If you want your customers to respond to your RCS message, toggle the Button option. Fill in the following details.

Type of actionsChoose the action type from the dropdown to enable user replies to your RCS message. You can select Reply, URL action, or Dialer action.
Button textProvide the message that appear on the message button.
Button postbackProvide the message or payload that are sent back to the system when the button is clicked. Example: confirm_booking or view_details
URL/URI to openProvide a specific webpage or resource that users are directed to when they click on the button.
Phone no to dialProvide the phone number that users can initiate a call to when they interact with the button. This allows users to easily initiate a phone call to the provided number directly from the RCS message. Add + and country code before your phone number.

3. Rich card carousel

With this template you can create SMS which have a dynamic and interactive presentation of multiple cards within a single message. This feature enables users to swipe through a series of cards containing images, videos, and other multimedia elements. Ideal for showcasing various products, services, or content options, the carousel format offers an engaging and streamlined experience for recipients, enhancing message effectiveness and user engagement.

Create Rich Card Carousel

All cards have the same fixed dimensions and cannot be customised individually. Provide details to create each card.

Card WidthChoose Short or Medium width for the card from the drop-down list.
Card HeightChoose Short or Medium from the drop-down list for your card height.
Select an image/videoUpload your image or video. You can directly upload from your local system(with Upload option) or any URL(with Upload from URL). Ensure the following criteria for your visuals:
  1. Ratio: 4:5
  2. File size: max 1 MB.
  3. Optimal Resolution: 567 pixels x 720 pixels
  4. File Type: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF
TitleProvide a title.
DescriptionProvide a description.
+VariableClick +Add variable to add new variable. The variable format is [custom_param].

If you want your customers to respond to your RCS message, toggle the Button option. Fill in the following details.

Type of actionsChoose the action type from the dropdown to enable user replies to your RCS message. You can select Reply, URL action, or Dialer action.
Button textProvide the message that appear on the message button.
Button postbackProvide the message or payload that are sent back to the system when the button is clicked. Example: confirm_booking or view_details
URL/URI to openProvide a specific webpage or resource that users are directed to when they click on the button.
Phone no to dialProvide the phone number that users can initiate a call to when they interact with the button. This allows users to easily initiate a phone call to the provided number directly from the RCS message. Add + and country code before your phone number.