Email: Unified Content Editor

Learn how to design and customize email templates using the Unified Content Editor.


The Unified Content Editor lets you create and design simple, efficient, and visually appealing email templates. You can create responsive, personalized, and brand-compliant emails, ensuring a better experience and engagement.

This guide will walk you through the different features of the UCE, including product blocks, customization options, and how to save and reuse content across emails.

Key Features of the Unified Content Editor

The UCE offers a range of features to help marketers build effective email templates. Some of the key features are:

  • Product Display: Display products in emails by selecting them directly from your catalog or from users' abandonment carts.
  • Customization Options: Easily adjust text, background colors, images, and more to match your brand.
  • Responsiveness: Ensure your email looks great on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Personalization: Include personalized content based on customer data, like product recommendations or browsing behavior.

Use Case

Use CaseEfficient Email Template Design for Seasonal Campaigns
Scenario:An e-commerce brand launches seasonal email campaigns, targeting different customer segments with specific offers and promotions.
Problem:Manually designing and customizing each email for the specific segment and season is time-consuming and can lead to inconsistencies.
Solution:Using the Unified Content Editor, the brand creates a responsive, customizable master template that can be easily adapted for different segments and seasonal promotions. Product blocks, personalized content, and brand-compliant elements are integrated for efficient updates.
Example:The brand modifies the product blocks and seasonal imagery within the master template, and all targeted campaigns (e.g., Winter Sale, Summer Clearance) are automatically updated with the latest offers and visuals.
Benefits:✔ Quick and easy template updates for seasonal campaigns.
✔ Personalization and branding consistency across multiple segments.
✔ Enhanced customer engagement with visually appealing, targeted emails.

Setting Up a New Email Template

You can create various email campaign templates tailored to specific marketing needs. To start, create a new email template in the Unified Content Editor.

Create Template

Create Template

  1. Log in to your Netcore CE dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Content > Email > Create New Template to create a new template.
  3. Enter Template's name, Select/Add category, and Select Unified editor.
  4. Click Save & Next to create the template.

Unified Content Editor

Follow this to create templates from scratch using the Editor.

5. Layout


It helps you arrange basic elements, such as text, images, or buttons, in a visually appealing way. Refer to the table below for the various layouts for your message.

You can drag and drop any layout on the canvas. The right pane has two sections: General and Style, each offering different options.

Edit Template with **General** and **Style** Options

Edit Template with General and Style Options

Refer to the table below to learn more about General options.

General OptionsDescriptionElements Available
PaddingAdjust the spacing within the template.Heading, Paragraph, Image, Divider, Spacer, and Social.
AlignmentAlign the selected element within the template.Heading, Paragraph, Image, and Button.
OpacityControl the transparency within the template.Heading, Paragraph, Image, Divider, Spacer, Button, and Social.
Border thicknessAdjust the thickness of the selected element within the template.Spacer, Image, Divider, and Button
ResponsiveSelect whether you want to hide the element on mobile devices or a computer.Divider

Refer to the table below to know more about Style options.

Style OptionsDescriptionsAvailable for
BackgroundAllows you to set background colour or image.Heading, Paragraph, Image, and Social
Gradient PickerAllows you to create gradual changes of colour within the template using the Gradient Type and Gradient Direction.Gradient type: It refers to the specific manner in which colors transition within a gradient.
  • Radial: Radiates outward from a center point in a circular pattern.
  • Linear: Transitions in a straight line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).
  • Repeat Radial: Repeats the radial pattern across the element.
  • Repeat Linear: Repeats the linear pattern along the specified direction.

  • Gradient Direction: Select the direction for the gradient effect, including top, right, center, bottom, or left.
    Heading, Paragraph, and Image
    BorderAllows you adjust border thickness, style, colour, and corner radius with Border Settings.
  • Border Thickness: Adjust the width of the border.
  • Border Style: Choose from Solid, Dash, or Dotted for different border appearances.

  • Solid: Creates a continuous, solid line for the border.
    Dash: Generates a border with a series of short dashes.
    Dotted: Produces a border made up of evenly spaced dots.
  • Border Radius: Determine the curvature of the border's corners.
  • Border Colour: Select the colour of the border.
  • Heading, Paragraph, Image, Divider, and Button
    ShadowAllows you adjust shadow blur, opacity, X-axis, Y-axis, and shadow colour with Shadow Properties.Heading, Paragraph, Image, and Divider
    6. Basic Elements

    Basic Elements

    You can start your template with basic elements like text, image, divider, spacer, etc.

    Create your Web Message using Basic Elements

    Create your Email Template using Basic Elements

    Refer to the table below to know the description of basic elements.

    Basic ElementsHeadingSelect this option to add a heading to your template.
    ParagraphSelect this option to add a message to your template.
    ImageSelect this option to insert an image into your template. Customize your template's visuals with these image editing tools.
  • Add Image: Insert an image into your template.
  • Image Size: Adjust the size of the inserted image.
  • Link Image to URL: Make the image clickable by adding a URL, directing users to a specific page when they click on it.
  • Open Redirect URL in: Choose whether the linked URL opens in a new or similar tab.
  • Personalize Image: Customize the image with personalized content.
  • DividerSelect this option to separate content sections in your template.
    SpacerSelect this option to add a spacer to your template.
    ButtonSelect this option to integrate a button into your template.
    • Redirect URL: Set the destination URL to which the button will redirect when clicked.
    • Button fill colour: Choose the background color for the button to enhance visual appeal.
    • Button type: Select the shape and style of the button. The options include:
      1. Rectangle filled: A solid rectangle button.
      2. Rectangle outline: A rectangle button with an outlined border.
      3. Rounded rectangle outline: A rectangle button with rounded corners and an outlined border.
      4. Rounded rectangle filled: A rectangle button with rounded corners and a solid fill.
    • Button size: Adjust the overall dimensions of the button. The options include:
      1. Small: A compact button size.
      2. Default: The standard button size.
      3. Medium: A slightly larger button size than the default.
      4. Large: A significantly larger button size.
      5. Custom size: Define the custom width and height for the button.
    Social LinksSelect this option to add social media links to your template. You can add up to 16 icons.
    Click on the box icon to enable or disable the display associated with each social media icon.

  • Icon size: Customize the appearance of the icons by selecting the desired size (small, medium, large, or custom size) from a dropdown menu.
  • Icon style: Choose the style of the icons (squares, circles, or rounded) by selecting an option from a dropdown menu.
  • HTML blockYou can add your own HTML code to templates created in the editor. This lets you customize the template further, adding unique elements unavailable through the editor’s default features.
    TableYou can customize the number of rows and columns, set border styles, and add solid or gradient backgrounds. You can also alternate row colors and change the header’s font, color, and alignment for better design.
    7. Widgets


    The dashboard's Widgets allow you to manage coupon codes and products. You can upload, sort, and track coupon codes with alerts while adding products with their name, price, and CTA for easy display and management.

    Widgets allow you to create highly interactive and dynamic content, transforming your email campaigns into engaging experiences. With our Editor, you can easily add widgets to your emails, enabling actions like filling out forms or browsing products directly within the email. This interactivity enhances customer interaction and boosts engagement, making your campaigns more effective and impactful.

    Click here for a detailed overview of the various widgets available when creating your email.

    Add Product using Widgets

    Add Coupons and Product using Widgets

    WidgetsCouponsThis helps marketers upload, sort, and share email coupon codes. It alerts users when codes run low or close to expiry and provides real-time tracking and insights for easier management.
    ProductYou can add different products by entering their name, price, and call-to-action. It helps organize and manage product details easily for better display and user interaction.


    You can add a coupon to your email template to enhance the personalization and effectiveness of email marketing campaigns. This allows marketers to include dynamic or static coupon codes directly within their email templates, providing targeted incentives to their audience. You can also generate a Shopify coupon code.

    Locate the Coupon block from the context menu in the template editor. Drag and drop the Coupon block into the desired position within your email template. A configuration panel appears on the screen, allowing you to set up the coupon details.

    Basic Settings

    Basic settingsDescriptions
    SourceSelect whether your coupon type is Generate a Shopify coupon code or Uploaded coupons in Netcore.
    Price rulesSelect your preferred price rule from the dropdown. This field is displayed when Generate a Shopify coupon code is selected. Refer here to understand the price rules.
    TypeSelect Static or Dynamic as your preferred coupon type.
    • Static is a single, common code that is shared with multiple users. Everyone who uses the code receives the same discount.
    • Dynamic is a unique code created for each user or transaction. Every code offers the same discount and can be used by unique users.

    Layouts settings

    Layouts settingsDescriptions
    PaddingAdjust the spacing within the template.
    AlignmentAlign the selected coupon within the template.

    Coupon Text

    Font styleChoose the font style for the coupon text from the dropdown list.
    Font sizeSet the font size for the coupon text.
    Text colorSelect the color of the coupon text using the color picker or by entering a hex code.
    Text formatYou can use the formatting options to make the text bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, or to clear formatting.

    Coupon Styles

    Block backgroundChoose a color for the coupon block using the color picker or by entering a hex code.
    Border radiusEnter a value (usually in pixels) to set how rounded the corners should be.
    Border styleSelect the desired border style from the dropdown menu to apply it to the coupon block.
    Border colorSelect a color or enter a hex code to specify the border color.
    Border thicknessEnter a value (usually in pixels) to set the border's thickness. A higher value results in a thicker border.


    Products can be directly added to email templates via the UCE. Locate the Product block from the context menu in the template editor. Drag and drop the Product block into the desired position within your email template. A configuration panel appears on the screen, allowing you to set up the product details.

    Basic details

    DynamicThis displays products that update automatically based on predefined rules or triggers.
    Display products byThese rules can be based on:
    • Recommendations: Products tailored to the user’s preferences or behavior.
    • Collection: Specific products/items shown in the collection with respect to the events to analyze user behavior, segment audiences, and create targeted campaigns.
    • Merchandising triggers: Rules like Price Drop or Stocks Running Out.

    Display Products

    Product details to displayThis is a mandatory step to select the product details to include. You can choose up to seven details such as name, price, or description.
    EventsSpecifically, analyze user behavior, segment audiences, and create targeted campaigns in your app or website. Events include add-to-cart, product purchases, content views, or other actions.
    WebsitesSource to collect and analyze the data and offer product recommendations to end users.
    Recommendation typeChoose the type of product recommendations, such as personalized or curated suggestions, to display in the email.
    Button textCustomize the text that appears on the call-to-action button in your email.
    Button URLSelect the destination URL for the button, directing users to a specific page or action.
    Product headerAdd the top part of an email that shows important details about your Total products, Total discount amount, Total retail price difference in percentage, and other pricing information.
    Product footerAdd a footer in email that shows important details about your Total Sales price difference, Total discount percent, Total discount amount, and other pricing information.
    Font styleChoose the font type to define the text appearance in your email template.
    Font sizeSelect the size of the text to adjust its readability and visual hierarchy.
    AlignmentAlign the text to the left, center, or right within your email for the desired layout.
    Text ColorSelect the color of the text using a color picker or hex code to match your brand.
    Text formatApply text formatting options like bold, italics, or underline to emphasize specific content.

    Product Styles

    Block backgroundChoose a color for the product block using the color picker or by entering a hex code.
    Border radiusEnter a value (usually in pixels) to set how rounded the corners should be.
    Border styleSelect the desired border style from the dropdown menu to apply it to the product block.
    Border colorSelect a color or enter a hex code to specify the border color.
    Border thicknessEnter a value (usually in pixels) to set the border's thickness. A higher value results in a thicker border.
    Card StyleCustomize the appearance of product cards with background, borders, and spacing options to enhance visual appeal.
    Image display optionsChoose product images that are displayed, such as in a grid, carousel, or individual format, to fit your email layout.

    Layouts settings

    Layouts settingsDescriptions
    PaddingAdjust the spacing within the template.
    AlignmentAlign the selected product within the template.
    No of productSelect the number of products to include in the email from a dropdown menu.
    Image(s) in a rowSpecify the number of product images to display per row in the email from a dropdown menu.
    Product alignmentYou can select how products are displayed in the email: grid (rows and columns) or List (vertically arranged products).
    8. Saved Blocks

    Saved Blocks

    Whenever you click on the Favourite icon, a Saved block display appears, allowing you to create and save Saved blocks.

    Create Saved Blocks

    Create Saved Blocks

    When you regularly send email campaigns to customers about new products, sales, or promotions. The Saved blocks in the email editor allows you to create reusable sections (blocks) of your email templates. This can significantly save time and ensure consistency across multiple campaigns.

    • Save and reuse blocks across multiple campaigns, changing only the product details.
    • Ensures consistent design and structure across all campaigns.
    • Speeds up the email creation process, focusing only on content updates.
    1. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the template.

    Troubleshooting & FAQs

    Q. My email template does not look the same on mobile and desktop. What should I do?

    A. Ensure that your template is responsive! In the UCE, you can check how your template looks on both desktop and mobile devices. If something looks odd, try adjusting the layout or checking if there is an option to hide certain elements on mobile. Look for the Responsive setting and ensure everything looks good on both screens.

    Q. How can I make my email template look more attractive?

    A. You can make your template more eye-catching by using features like background colors, images, and cool fonts. You can also add product images and buttons to make it easier for people to click. Use the Style options to add a background, shadow effects, or borders around sections to make everything stand out!

    Q. The button in my template does not work when I click it. What is wrong?

    A. It could be because the action for the button is not set correctly. When editing the button, make sure you have selected what you want it to do—like opening a webpage or closing the message. Double-check the button settings to make sure everything is linked correctly.

    Q. My email template looks different after I save it. Why is that?

    A. Sometimes, changes made to the layout or elements can look different depending on where they are viewed. Make sure to preview your email on both desktop and mobile before sending it. Also, check if anything like text size or image alignment got shifted. If needed, make adjustments to fix it.