Revenue Dashboard

Learn to track your business's revenue data using the Revenue Dashboard.

The Revenue Dashboard allows you to track your business's revenue data. It displays metrics like total revenue, transactions, paying users, and platform contributions. You can monitor customer purchases and view daily, weekly, and monthly revenue-related metrics. It helps you track trends and optimize strategies across iOS, Android, and website platforms. There are two sections available on this dashboard:

  • Overall: This section displays the total revenue generated by your business across all channels and platforms.
  • Netcore Contribution: This section displays the revenue directly tied to your Netcore campaigns and journeys.
    For example, if you use Netcore CE to send promotional emails or push notifications for a holiday sale, and a user engages with these messages, their purchase will be tracked. Revenue from purchases made after interacting with the message will be attributed to Netcore Contribution. This highlights the impact of Netcore communications on your revenue.
View of revenue related metrics

View of revenue related metrics

Here is how Netcore contribution is calculated:

  • Last-Click Attribution: In the New dashboard, last-click attribution only works if a conversion goal is set for a campaign or journey. If a user clicks a link and makes a purchase within the conversion window, 100% of the revenue is attributed to that campaign or journey. Unlike the Old dashboard, where revenue was attributed even without a conversion goal, the new system ensures more accurate tracking.
  • Conversion Window: This feature allows you to define a time frame for tracking conversions at the campaign or journey level. With this, if multiple campaigns or journeys are involved, Netcore credits revenue only to the latest campaign or journey clicked (based on the same conversion goal) across channels.


Key Issue to Understand

In the New dashboard, the Netcore Contribution number will always match the total revenue from individual campaigns and journeys. In the Old dashboard, revenue was attributed even without a conversion goal, leading to differences in the totals.

For on-site messages, the Old dashboard used view-through attribution. In the New dashboard, attribution only happens when the user clicks (last-click attribution), ensuring consistency across all channels.

View Revenue Dashboard

To use the Revenue dashboard, follow the given steps:

  1. Log in to the Netcore CE dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Dashboards > Revenue. The Revenue dashboard appears.
  3. The following functionalities are available in the Revenue dashboard.

Select Duration

Choose the desired duration to view data. Available options in the dropdown menu are:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days
  • Last 90 Days
  • Custom Range: The duration is capped at 90 days.

Revenue Activity

Add Revenue Activity to monitor specific user actions that generate revenue. You can track one revenue activity at a time.
Examples include Add to Cart, Product Purchase, and so on.

Use case: If a user adds a product to their cart, the Add to Cart activity tracks the product's Price or Quantity. When the user completes the purchase, the Product Purchase activity records the total Revenue. This helps measure how user actions contribute to overall revenue.


Choose the desired platform to view revenue data. Available options in the dropdown menu are:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Website

This option helps you analyze how revenue is generated across different platforms. You can choose all or any specific platform from the dropdown menu, then click Apply to view the data. This option lets you identify which platform contributes the most to your revenue. You can also learn how user behavior and purchasing patterns differ across platforms. This data helps you customize your marketing strategies for each platform to maximize revenue.


To update the currency displayed on the dashboard, click in the top right corner. Choose your preferred currency from the options provided. The revenue data will then be shown in the selected currency.


The Metrics in the image below give you key revenue, transactions, and user activity data. Here is an overview of the metrics to help guide your decisions.

Total RevenueTotal money earned from all purchases.
Total TransactionsTotal number of completed purchases.
Paying UsersUnique users who made a purchase.
Avg Revenue/Paying UserThe average amount of revenue generated per paying user, calculated by dividing total revenue by the number of paying users.
Avg Order ValueThe average value of each transaction, calculated by dividing total revenue by the total number of transactions.

When you toggle on Show Average, a new metric will appear on the graphs, allowing you to view average revenue data. Additionally, by toggling on Set Goals, you can Add Daily Goal Target, which will be added as a metric on the graph. This feature lets you compare your actual revenue against your goal, helping you adjust your strategies for improved performance.

You can view the metrics in a graph displayed per day, week, or month. Hover over the graph to see accurate values for each metric.


Click on More to filter your revenue data. The Apply More Filters screen appears. You can choose specific apps or websites and click Apply to view revenue data only for those selected filters. This option lets you focus on revenue performance for particular platforms or channels.

Export Graph

Download your data in various formats. Click to export data as per your preference. Available export options are:

  • Export as PDF
  • Export as PNG
  • Export as JPEG

Netcore Channel-wise Contribution

The Channel-wise Contribution section details how different messaging channels (such as Email, SMS, Web Push, etc.) contribute to your overall revenue. This section allows you to track the performance of each channel and how their revenue generation. Analyzing these metrics lets you optimize your communication strategy to boost conversions. Refer to the table below to learn about the fields available here.

ChannelThe specific messaging channel being analyzed.
Channel Total ContributionThe overall revenue attributed to a specific channel across all campaigns and journeys.
Journey ContributionThe portion of the total revenue generated by journeys.
Campaign ContributionThe portion of the total revenue generated by individual campaigns through that channel.