SMS: Troubleshooting & FAQs
Troubleshoot and resolve any issues with your SMS campaigns.
Q: How do I add a custom domain for SMS campaigns in the Netcore CE dashboard?
A: To add a custom domain, you need:
- Your dashboard name
- A valid domain
Once you provide this information, we will send you a CNAME record in the format:
- Record: m.[yourdomain] (replace [yourdomain] with your actual domain)
- Type: CNAME
- Value: (Prapp server) or (Tprappin server)
Update these CNAME records. After that, we will request that our SRE team configure the custom domain. Once the SRE team completes the setup, the domain will be added to your dashboard.
Q: How to set PE-TM Chain Binding on DLT as per TRAI Mandate for SMS
A: As of 1st December 2024, all Principal Entities (PEs) must comply with the TRAI mandate to disclose the entire chain through which SMS communications are routed, including all Registered Telemarketers (RTMs) involved. Failure to meet this requirement may result in complete SMS delivery failures starting from this date.
Action Required by Principal Entities:
- Log in to your respective DLT portal.
- Select "Chain" on the dashboard (similar options are available with each operator).
- Enter "Netcore Cloud" as the Telemarketer with TM ID 1502444440000011444 and submit the request.
- Approval by Netcore: Netcore Cloud, as the designated Telemarketer (DF-Delivery Function), will review and approve your request.
- Final Confirmation: After Netcore’s approval, please log in again to your DLT portal as the Principal Entity (PE) to provide final confirmation and complete the PE-TM chain binding.
For more detailed guidance, please click to download the User Manuals.
This update is mandatory starting 1st December 2024.
For any queries, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Thank you for your understanding and continued trust in Netcore Cloud.
Updated 4 months ago