Data Retention Policy

It is our constant endeavor to enhance your experience with Netcore CE, and ensure you get great services from Netcore.
As a step towards improving the data processing speed and overall application performance, we are adopting a new Data Retention Policy.

Data SetsData Retention Limit
Activity of Anonymous users3 Months
Activity of Identified and Addressable users12 Months
Campaign Reports (Summary): All Channels12 Months
Campaign Reports (User-level)
For App Push, Web Push, and SMS
6 Months
Campaign Reports (User-level): Email12 Months
Inactive Lists & Segments2 Months
User Data Tables45 days
Product Experience reports for server-side integrations, which include nudge system events and goal events12 Months
Product Experience reports for client-side integrations, which include nudge system events and goal events3 Months

This will affect the following areas:

  1. Reports - No report data will be available for campaigns older than the defined retention limit.

  2. Segmentation will not work for data older than the defined retention limit.

  3. Analytics will not be available for data older than the defined retention limit.

Please note that the old data once purged, cannot be retrieved.

Updates in data retention policy

In line with our commitment to improving the data processing speed and overall platform performance, we have identified that lists and segments that haven't been used in campaigns, journeys, segmentation, analysis, etc. for 60 consecutive days are unlikely to be used in the future. As a result, we are now purging these inactive lists and segments to improve the efficiency of your marketing efforts and the overall performance of our platform.

In our test environment, we have seen significant performance gains as a result of purging these inactive lists and segments. We believe that this change will allow you to focus on the most active and engaged users, and will ultimately help improve the success of your campaigns.

In the future, if you want to continue to target the same inactive audience, you can always add a new list or create a segment.

Starting 15th January 2023, we will start purging of inactive lists and segments.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]