What is DNS?

DNS (Domain Name System) in email marketing refers to the DNS records that are set up for a domain to facilitate the delivery and authentication of emails. DNS records are essential for email marketing because they help establish trust between the sender's domain and the recipient's email server.

What is DKIM?

DKIM acts as a digital signature for your emails, ensuring their authenticity and protecting against tampering during transit. By verifying the sender’s identity, it plays a crucial role in enhancing email deliverability and building trust with recipients.

What is DMARC?

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) acts as a sophisticated gatekeeper for your email domain, ensuring authenticity and protecting recipients from impersonation. It leverages existing protocols like SPF, which verifies authorized senders, and DKIM, which digitally signs each email for origin verification. But DMARC goes beyond validation, empowering you to define how receiving servers should handle messages failing authentication.

  • Configuration Flexibility: A DMARC policy, published as a DNS TXT record, specifies authorized senders (SPF and DKIM alignment), preferred actions for unauthorized emails (none [monitor], quarantine, or reject), and reporting preferences. This fine-grained control grants you granular visibility into email traffic and potential threats.
  • Enhanced Security: By deterring domain spoofing and phishing attempts, DMARC safeguards your brand reputation and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive information. This proactively mitigates security risks and fosters a trustworthy communication environment.
  • Visibility and Actionable Insights: DMARC provides comprehensive reports detailing suspicious activity, unauthorized senders, and potential vulnerabilities. This actionable intelligence empowers you to continuously refine your email security posture and proactively address emerging threats.

Why DMARC is important?

Implementing DMARC signifies a proactive approach to email security, safeguarding your domain, protecting your brand, and ensuring reliable communication. Its flexibility and configurable nature empower you to tailor its functionality to your specific needs, maximizing its effectiveness.

Consider DMARC as a strategic investment in your email infrastructure, one that delivers tangible benefits for both your organization and your recipients.

Setting up a DMARC record is relatively simple when you're starting, consider this sample record:


v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:[email protected]

Here, v=DMARC1 specifies the DMARC version, p=none sets the policy to monitoring only (no action taken on unauthorized emails), and rua=mailto:[email protected] defines where to send DMARC reports.


Remember to replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain and adjust the policy (p) to suit your needs (e.g. p=quarantine or p=reject).

With this basic configuration, you'll gain valuable insights into your email traffic and lay the foundation for a robust DMARC strategy.