Installation via FTP
You can follow these steps to install the Netcore plugin for Magento.
Download any FTP client and login to your hosting space via the FTP client.
Recommended FTP Clients:
- FileZilla
- WinSCP
- cuteFtp
Step 1: Unzip extension package
Unzip the below extension package and upload them into app/code/ path.
Your file directory should look like this -> app/code/Netcore/Cee
Step 2: Enable & Install the Plugin
Move this unzipped file to your Magento root folder and run the below command (at command line) to enable the plugin.
php bin/magento module:enable Netcore_Cee
Once enabled, run the following commands (at command line) from the root folder of your Magento installation to complete the plugin installation.
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:flush
Step 3: Daily & Historical Sync
Cron must be enabled.
Updated 3 months ago
You have successfully completed the installation, click on below link to check out the next steps.