Create Aggregation Based Segment

Target high-value customers to maximize engagement and retention.

Add Conditions Based on Aggregation Operations

This filter helps you target loyal users who have reacted well to past promotions. The marketer wants to segment users who have spent more than Rs. 1000 in the past 30 days and increased their spending compared to the previous month. Aggregator operators can help us do that.

Aggregation Operators

Aggregation operators, including sum and average, enable the grouping and filtering of users based on their purchasing behavior. By applying these operators, you can effectively identify customers with increasing spending patterns. These high-value customers can be targeted for loyalty campaigns to maximize engagement and retention.

Create an Aggregation Based Segment

Follow the steps given below to create a new segment using aggregation.

  1. Log in to the Netcore CE dashboard and navigate to Audience > Segments > Create Segment.
  2. Select List(s)/Segment(s) or Contact Set as the source for your segment.
  3. Define segmentation conditions and choose AND or OR based on your needs.
  4. Click ADD BLOCK to include additional conditions.
  5. Click on the filter icon to begin creating your aggregation-based filter.
  6. Select the event you want to analyze, such as Category or Product purchase.
  7. Select the property associated with the event that you want to aggregate. Refer to the table to learn the available properties.
ValueThe total or individual spending amount of a customer within a specific time range.
AggregationThe method used to compute values, such as sum, average, minimum, or maximum, to analyze spending trends.
  1. Refer to the table to learn the available operators when you select the Aggregation Operator.
Aggregation OperatorDescription
SumCalculates the total amount spent by a customer within the selected time range.
AverageCalculates the average amount spent by a customer within the selected time range.
MinimumIdentifies the lowest spending amount recorded in the selected time range.
MaximumIdentifies the highest spending amount recorded in the selected time range.

Create an Aggregation Based Segment

Create an Aggregation Based Segment

Use Case

Refer to the table below for the various use cases you can implement.

Use CaseGoalConditionsApplication
Target Users Who Buy Discounted Items but Avoid Full PriceIdentify users who prefer discounts and avoid full-price purchases.- Sum of "Discount Applied" > $500.
- Average "Discount Percentage" > 30%.
Create targeted campaigns with exclusive discounts to retain these users.
Identify Users with Large Orders but Low Average Order ValuesDetect users who place large orders but have a low average order value.- Sum of "Order Value" in the last 30 days > $500.
- Average "Order Value" in the last 30 days < $100.
These may be new customers or bulk buyers. Target them with personalized product recommendations to encourage further purchases.