
Monitor the status of all your export and import activities.


The Logs feature on the Netcore CE dashboard allows you to monitor the status of all your export and import activities. It provides a comprehensive view of export actions for Campaigns, Segments, and Journeys and import activities for the product catalog. This feature helps you track each data transfer operation's progress and completion status. Search for specific exports using Request ID or campaign name to locate the relevant logs quickly.

Navigate Logs

Follow the steps given below to access the Logs feature.

  1. Log in to the Netcore CE dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Profile > Logs. The available options are:
    • Export: Campaigns, Segments, Journeys
    • Import: Product Catalog
      Select your preferred export type from the dropdown menu.
View logs of Imports and Exports

View logs of Imports and Exports


Tracks the status of data exports for Campaigns, Segments, and Journeys. Refer to the table to know the status of each export.

In ProgressThe report is waiting to be processed.
In QueueThe report is currently being generated.
ProcessedThe report is ready for download.
FailedReport generation failed; try again.

Click to know more about your preferred data export.

1. Campaigns

The Campaign export lets you track the status of all your campaign report downloads. It lists every one-time report download request across channels like SMS, Email, App Push, Web Push, and In-App, including both Summary and Detailed reports.

Each export entry includes the file name, campaign type, channel, status, download method, and recipient email ID. You can search for reports by file name or request ID. To download a report, click the file name or download button. An OTP authentication is required to complete the download. Refer to the table to know the options available here.

File InfoDisplays the name of the exported file. These logs contain information about report requests made over the last 15 days, including the requested date, report type, and request status.
Requested OnDisplays the date and time when the export was requested. Click to sort the files in ascending or descending order.
Completed OnDisplays the date and time when the log export was completed. Click to sort the files in ascending or descending order.
Download logDisplays a record of all download activities related to the exported log.
Report TypeDisplays the specific type of report that was exported, such as a Summary Report or Detailed Report
ChannelDisplays the communication channels for which the report was generated, such as Email, SMS, etc.
Mode of downloadDisplays the method by which the report was delivered via Email or FTP.


Points to Remember

  • Only reports generated from Download Now option are available under Logs.
  • Scheduled reports are not available.
  • WhatsApp reports are not available.
  • Only detailed reports are available for Web Message.
  • Initiate export for failed logs again. If the problem persists, contact support team at helpdesk@netcorecloud.com
2. Segments

The Segment export log offers an overview of your exported segments. With indicators for in queue, in progress, processed, and failed, you can track each export's progress and ensure your segments are being successfully sent. This feature supports all segments, including RFM, Funnel, and Churn segments. Each export entry is labeled with the segment's name, making identifying and managing your exports simple.

File InfoDisplays the name of the exported file. These logs contain information about report requests made over the last 15 days, including the requested date, report type, and request status.
Requested OnDisplays the date and time when the segment export was requested. Click to sort the files in ascending or descending order.
Mode of downloadShows the method of report delivery. Hover over Email to see the recipient's email address.
3. Journey

The Journey export log tracks the journeys you've generated or downloaded, indicating whether the process was completed successfully or failed. This allows you to monitor and verify the export of automated customer journeys for further analysis or reporting. Refer to the table to know the options available here.

File InfoDisplays the name of the exported file. These logs contain information about report requests made over the last 15 days, including the requested date, report type, and request status.
Requested OnDisplays the date and time when the log was requested. Click to sort the files in ascending or descending order.
Completed OnDisplays the date and time when the log export/ import was completed. Click to sort the files in ascending or descending order.
Download logDisplays a record of all download activities related to the exported log.
Report TypeDisplays the specific type of report that was exported, such as a Summary Report or Detailed Report
ChannelDisplays the communication channels for which the report was generated, such as Email, SMS, etc.
Mode of downloadDisplays the method by which the report was delivered via Email or FTP.


Monitor the status of product catalog synchronization from the Product Information Management (PIM) platform to the Netcore CE dashboard. The Import tab provides important features and information to track the synchronization process, identify issues, and address potential errors.

Catalog Synchronization is the process of integrating product data from various sources into the PIM platform. Using PIM, all product catalog data is seamlessly synced into the Netcore CE dashboard, enabling features like Merchandising triggers. The catalog can come from any source, such as a regular website or platforms like Shopify and Magento, and is then used for all product-related use cases within the Netcore CE dashboard.

Refer to this document to know more about PIM and Merchandising Trigger.

View logs of Product Catalog Imports

View logs of Product Catalog Imports

The following options are available on the Import screen:

FilenameSystem-generated name for each batch of product catalog data synced from PIM to Netcore.
CatalogThe website or app where your product catalog is integrated.
Start TimeThe date and time when catalog synchronization began for the file.
RecordsThe total number of products synced in the file.
FailuresThe number of products that failed to sync.