Welcome to Cohort Analysis, a powerful tool that allows you to gain deeper insights into user behavior and performance over time. This guide will walk you through the key concepts and functionalities of Cohorts, enabling you to harness its potential for a comprehensive understanding of user engagement.

Understanding Cohorts

What is a Cohort?
A Cohort is a group of users who share specific criteria or characteristics. In Cohort Analysis, you compare the performance of these user groups over various time intervals, helping you uncover trends and patterns that might be overlooked when analyzing the entire user base.

Why Cohort Analysis?
Rather than analyzing the behavior of the entire user base, Cohort Analysis focuses on small, specific groups of users over a defined period. This approach makes it easier to identify patterns, draw meaningful conclusions, and formulate targeted strategies for improvement.

Getting Started

How to Use Cohorts
Cohort Analysis allows you to isolate a set of contacts based on their activities and track their subsequent behavior. Whether it's app launches, adding items to the cart, or completing checkouts, Cohorts provide a detailed look at user engagement.

Key Applications

Contact Retention and Churn
Cohorts are commonly employed to understand contact retention or churn. By measuring how long it takes for contacts who have performed a specific activity, such as launching your application, to revisit and engage again, you gain valuable insights into user loyalty and potential areas for improvement.

How to create a cohort?

Choose Activities : Select the specific 'First activity' and 'Return activity' representing the behavior you want to analyze. (Example: First activity is App launch, and Return activity is Add to Cart)

Set Time Period : Choose the time period for which you want to observe your cohort's behavior.
Define User Base : Select the user base from which you want to create the cohort.
Name Your Cohort : Provide a Cohort name and click Save.

Drill-Down Feature in Cohort Analysis

The drill-down feature in Cohort Analysis allows marketers to dive deeper into user cohorts by exploring specific attributes or event payload parameters. This powerful functionality unveils granular insights, enabling more targeted and effective marketing campaigns. Let's explore how to use the drill-down feature in detail with examples and use cases.

Locate the Drill-Down Option : On the Cohort Analysis dashboard, find the drill-down option typically positioned above the chart.

Click to Reveal Dropdown : Click on the drill-down option to reveal a dropdown menu with different categories.

Categories in Drill-Down :

  1. All
    Functionality : Lists all options of user attributes, common activity payload, and technographics.
    Use Case : If you want to explore a wide range of user characteristics or activities.
  2. User Attributes
    • Functionality : Lists all user attributes from the given panel.
    • Use Case : Understand how specific user attributes (e.g., Age, Gender) influence cohort behavior.
    • Example Scenario : You observe a cohort based on the 'App Launch' activity and want to explore how different age groups behave.
    • Steps : Choose 'User Attributes' in the drill-down menu.
      Select 'Age' from the list.
    • Insights : Understand the engagement patterns of different age groups within the cohort.
  3. Common Activity Payload
    • Functionality : Lists common payload parameters from the 'first' and 'return' activities.
    • Use Case : Analyze detailed information related to specific activities (e.g., items.category, items.price).
    • Example Scenario : Your cohort is based on 'Add to Cart' and 'Checkout' activities, and you want to delve into specific product categories.
    • Steps : Opt for 'Common Activity Payload' in the drill-down menu.
      Choose 'items.category' from the list.
    • Insights : Identify which product categories contribute significantly to cart additions and checkouts.
  4. Technographics
    • Functionality : Displays technographics for app activities (if applicable).
    • Use Case : Gain insights into the technical aspects of user engagement, such as OS Version, App Version, SDK Version, Make, and Model.