On-site messages

The Unified Listing brings together In-app and Web Messages campaigns into a single page named "On-site messages." This ensures a cohesive user experience and simplifies campaign management across pull channels.


Listing page metrics

The entire campaign listing is now segregated based on campaign status and listed based on recency.

  • Campaign Name - Displays campaign name, ID, and status.
    • Hover for details: Name, Campaign type, Start and End dates, Tags, and Apps/Websites.
  • Last modified - Date of the last modification to the campaign.
  • Viewed - Total views on the campaign.
  • Clicked - Total clicks on the campaign.
  • Conversion - Total conversion for the campaign based on click-through attribution.
  • Revenue - Total revenue generated from the conversion event.

To know more about conversion attribution logic, please read here.

Campaign Status Tabs

All the status will be present on the top as tabs to switch the campaign listing as per status :Running, Completed, Draft, Scheduled, Paused.


The campaign listing page allows you to search any campaign by its name or id.

Percentage and Hash Switch

Hash Switch(By Default) will show the numbers of View and Clicks.
Percentage Switch will show the Clicks/Views percentage in the Click column.


  • Last Modified Duration - Filter campaigns based on the modified date.
  • Channel - Filter by In-app or Web message.
  • Tags - Filter campaigns by associated tags.


  • Reorder columns via drag-and-drop.
  • Enable/disable columns visibility.
  • Search columns by name.

Hamburger Menu Actions

  • Download Response - Download user responses for Web message campaigns.
  • Control Group Report - Access control group reports for relevant campaigns.
  • Download Reports - Download detailed report for In-app messages.

Report scheduler

This feature allows you to download reports of all or selected campaigns as well as schedule reports to be generated on a preset interval basis.

  • Select channel - You can select the channel for which you want to download reports. Either in-app or web message.

  • Summary report - If you select 'summary report', a overall summary of all your campaigns would be downloaded immediately on your system as a csv file.

In-app summary report attributes

Report AttributeDefinition
Campaign nameList of all your in-app campaigns
StatusEach campaigns status which can be running, paused, scheduled or completed.
Start dateDate and time when the campaign was last edited
End dateDate and time when the campaign ended or is going to end
ViewedTotal number of times the in-app message has been viewed
ClickedTotal number of times the in-app message has been clicked
Unique userNumber of unique users who have viewed this in-app message

Web message summary report attributes

Report AttributeDefinition
Campaign IDUnique ID for each campaign
TitleName of each campaign
Created DateDate and time when the campaign was first created
Updated DateDate and time when the campaign was last edited
Start DateDate and time when the campaign started
End DateDate and time when the campaign ended
StatusEach campaigns status which can be running, paused, scheduled or completed.
Total ViewsTotal number of times the web message has been viewed
Unique ViewsUnique users who have viewed the web message
Total ClicksTotal number of times the web message has been clicked
CloseTotal number of times the web message has been closed
ResponsesTotal number os responses received on the web message
  • Detailed report - On selecting the ' detailed report' option, you can select the attributes and payload from the drop-down list that you want to include in your report.

*Note: Attribute details are customizable and depend on what attributes you have added on your panel.* Hence, their definitions can vary from client to client.

In-app detailed report attributes

Attribute typeReport AttributeDefinition
Campaign detailsMessage IDUnique campaign id
Campaign detailsCampaign nameUnique name of the campaign
Campaign detailsPrimary KeyUnique user identifier
Campaign detailsApp nameName of your app
Campaign detailsApp IDUnique app ID
Campaign detailsTagList of any special tags given to the campaign
Campaign detailsStart dateDate and time when the campaign started
Campaign detailsEnd dateDate and time when the campaign ended
Activity detailsActionThe action the end user has taken on the in-app message - viewed, clicked, closed
Activity detailsAction timeDate and time when the respective action done
Device detailsOS typeOS of the user's device. Eg: iOS, Android
Device detailsOS versionOS version of the user's device
Device detailsApp versionApp version installed on the user's device
Device detailsSDK versionSDK version of the app installed on the user's device
Device detailsMakeBrand of the user's device
Device detailsModelUser's device model
AttributesAnyAny or all user attributes can be downloaded in the detailed report. These attributes may vary from client to client.

Web messages detailed report attributes

Report AttributeDefinition
Web GUIDUnique ID generated for each web user
Primary keyPrimary key of the panel
EmailEmail ID of each user
MobileMobile number of each user
Contact typeWhether the user is Anonymous or Identified
IP AddressIP Address of the end user
URLURL of the web message
Clicked LinkLink the user clicked on if any
BrowserBrowser of the end user
DeviceDevice of the end user
View DateDate and time when the web message was viewed by the end user
  • Download now - this option allows you to download reports immediately. You can select the duration for which you want the report along with more filters such as selecting specific tags or campaigns.
  • Schedule later - option is selected when you want to schedule the reports for a particular time range and at the frequency chosen by you which can be Monthly, Weekly or Daily.



Scheduler later option for Web messages is currently not available, it is coming soon.

Where to send
You can send these reports to either an email id configured on your panel or on any FTP location which is pre-configured on the panel.