WhatsApp templates

Available to all new Clients by defaults, legacy customers would have to put in a request via tech team.

Now one can create and manage WhatsApp templates from Content Screens ---> WhatsApp. This was a major pain point for all marketeers for a long time as they had to

  1. Create same Templates on CPASS and CEE.
  2. Separate approvals from Meta had to be taken.

This feature now allows you to create templates from CEE itself, whats more is that all your precreated templates be it CPASS or CEE are all now in one place. Please refer the screen below. Please find our explainer video here that expands on the abilities of Centralized template Management.

You can create templates by clicking on the top right side of the screen.
You would find Template name, Template type (Text or Media), content, Map Attribute, Add sample which is all pretty much self explanatory.
Although for a detailed explanation you could refer "How to create WhatsApp Template" from CPASS documentation here.

A brief note about Add Sample functionality, it allows you to add sample content you would be possibly adding so that Meta knows what its looking for and that has given us better results in terms getting templates approved sooner.

A quick shout out to Map System attribute, a great tool to pass personalized dynamic variables for every user. This has amazing possibilities. One can pass lot of variables such as the example below, where we have used "HI {{1}}" and "Use Code {{2}}" where you can pass custom discount codes basis the users discount affinity.

Once you are done making the template , click on "Save and Send for Approval" and you are ready to now use these templates in Journeys , by clicking the WhatsApp Node in Journeys


Coming soon

WhatsApp would soon be made available on Unified Broadcast Campaign flow.
Currently media URL is mapped on one to one on a template level, we shall support rewriting that on Campaign and on a Journey platform as well.


Do check out Rich Media in Journeys and Centralized Opt In Management as well.